So It Looks Like That Zombie FSU Student Snacked On Some Unknown Chemicals Before Munching On Some Human Flesh

I’m not very well-versed in patent law, but I have to think that there’s some horror junkie out there who trademarked the term ‘zombie killer’ 30+ years ago and is reaping uncountable benefits from this new fad of people taking a few bath salts and washing it down with human flesh. I mean, I’m not sure if we’re all living through the beginning of the zombie apocalypse and just don’t realize it or more people are ingesting deadly chemicals that fry their brains faster than wearing a microwave for a hat. Regardless, we do have a new “zombie killer” in the form of Austin Harrouff, the FSU Fraternity member who murdered and ate a Florida couple. At the time, everyone just assumed the kid was on drugs of some sort, despite no one knowing whether or not it was true. Welp, turns out everyone was correct.

Via Uproxx:

“Martin County Sheriff William Snyder now says that it’s possible that Harrouff may have ingested dangerous chemicals at the scene of the murder.

“It’s a typical garage, so there were solvents,” he said. “There were things he could have consumed and that first night at the hospital, the hospital speculated based on what they were seeing in his body fluids, that perhaps he had ingested something caustic from the garage. I think that will provide a big piece of the unknown is exactly what (was) in the blood of our suspect,” Snyder said.

Investigators are also starting to piece together what may have occurred between the time Harrouff stormed out of the restaurant where he had been having dinner with his father, and when he arrived at the victims’ home. A crew member for CBS 12 in West Palm Beach found a pair of red shorts on the ground about a mile from where the murders took place that looked similar to the ones Harrouff was wearing when he left the restaurant. Likewise, a neighbor, Gunther Eichhorn, found a trail of blood on his sidewalk just a half mile from the crime scene.

It is believed the teen walked nearly 3 miles, possibly cutting himself along the way which would explain the blood trail in front of the Eichhorn’s home. He also stripped down to his underwear before violently attacking three people inside the quiet upscale neighborhood.”

So you know in the movies when the characters walk into a garage or a lab or the like and there is just a gallon of unidentifiable chemicals labeled with skull and crossbones? That’s essentially what Harrouff drank. I mean, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this kid was fucked up on something before he got to that level. You don’t just drink Drain-O or snort dishwasher detergent unless you’ve already crossed the point of no return. I mean, I’ve seen drunk dude’s try and go for the eye gouge before. I can only imagine how fucked inside out their brains would be if they added pure chlorine into the soup their brain was floating in. No word yet on what the chemical is, but I’m crossing my fingers that it’s at least something cool.