Chad Ochocinco Asked Conor McGregor And Cowboy Cerrone Who He Should Bet On At The UFC 246 Press Conference

Earlier this week, news broke that Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson is currently trying out for the XFL as a kick – a job that outspoke former NFL veteran was born to have. In the meantime, Ochocinco can add another position his resume: UFC beat reporter.

Dana White called on Ochocinco to the surprise of the whole room and online audiences at the end of Wednesday’s UFC 246 press conference with Conor McGregor and Cowboy Cerrone.

Credentialed by Bleacher Report, Ocho had a question for McGregor and Cowboy that’s on a lot of people’s minds at the moment: Who should he bet on?

I was actually sitting next to a Russian language sports reporter during the press conference, who quickly asked who Chad Ochocinco is and why he had such a huge applause at Conor McGregor / Cowboy’s press conference.

My explanation went something like this:

“Well… he used to play American football and everyone like him from this show called Hard Knocks because he was so eccentric and outspoken and now he doesn’t play anymore and just plays video games with random people on the Internet…”

I think I nailed it, but the Russian language sports reporter’s look told me otherwise.

Welcome to the thrilling world of sports journalism, Ocho!

Reminder, here’s some of our UFC 246 coverage for your reading this week:

-5 Signs That Conor McGregor Is Really Back And Ready To Rumble At UFC 246

-What’s At Stake For Conor McGregor? Why He’s Fighting At UFC 246… And We’re Not Talking About The Purse

-UFC 246 Fight Week: Relive The Great Moments in Conor McGregor History

-This Is What We Know About Conor McGregor And His UFC 246 Return

-How Conor McGregor Physically Transformed His Body To Welterweight For UFC 246

Brandon is a founding partner at BroBible and the site’s publisher. Tell him about your favorite cheeseburgers in Las Vegas while he’s there covering UFC 246 on Twitter


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: