Damarious Randall Says He Wasn’t Actually Serious About His Jersey Giveaway After 800K People Retweeted It

Damarious Randall green bay packers

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Before the start of the previous NFL season, Eagles tackle Lane Johnson took a bit of a risk when he offered to buy the entire city of Philadelphia a beer if the team managed to bring home a Super Bowl title. The Eagles ended up raising the Lombardi Trophy at the end of the season, and Bud Light was nice enough to help Johnson avoid a hefty tab by giving away beer during the parade celebrating the victory.

Earlier this week, Cleveland Browns safety Damarious Randall followed in Johnson’s footsteps when he decided it would be a good idea to say he’d give a free Cavaliers jersey to anyone who retweeted his promise if Cleveland can figure out a way to bring home another championship from the NBA Finals this year. LeBron’s squad might be massive underdogs, but even if you’re buying your sporting gear off the clearance rack at TJ Maxx, there’s a bit of a price difference between buying someone a drink and getting them a jersey.

Just in case you thought Randall was joking, he confirmed his intentions to follow through on his vow after the tweet started to go viral. 

However, it appears that he’s taken a bit of time to rethink things after more than 800,000 people retweeted his message in a move that is just a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.

According to NFL.com, Randall backed down on Wednesday after being questioned about whether or not he would make good on his word, telling ESPN:

“I definitely didn’t think the Cleveland fan base would go this crazy about it. Obviously, it is a joke. Just to know how passionate this fan base is, it is really encouraging… I didn’t think people [would] actually view that as a serious tweet from me.”

At least we still have Joe Thomas to fall back on.