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It seems like just yesterday that LaVar Ball burst onto the scene and turned the basketball world on its head thanks to his outlandish statements and antics, like the time he told Michael Jordan he would make him cry if they ever played a game of one-on-one (an assertation the G.O.A.T. didn’t take kindly to).
Ball has said and done plenty of absurd things since he initially made a name for himself but I don’t know if anything has been more outrageous than the time he convinced himself people would drop $495 on a “signature” shoe and introduced the world to Big Baller Brand in the process.
It’s safe to say things didn’t exactly work out like Ball intended, and while you can pin part of the failure on the fact that the shoes in question had a tendency to explode (a la Zion Williamson’s), LaVar’s business partner also screwed him over and was eventually sued by Lonzo for defrauding his family.
A few months ago, Ball claimed BBB was poised for a comeback, but based on his recent comments, he appears to have come to terms with the fact that he might not be able to salvage it.
On a recent episode of Ball in the Family, Lonzo and LaVar were captured having a conversation about how they might be able to turn things around and the younger Ball suggested they rebrand, which his father was not thrilled with based on his reaction (the conversation starts around the 16:30 mark).
After Lonzo suggested they change the name of the brand, LaVar fired back, saying it was like people telling his son to change his name because he believes he’s viewed as “damaged goods” based on how the past two years have gone.
Not nice, LaVar. Not nice at all.