Chart Of How Much Money You Would Have Made If You Invested In Bitcoin In 2010 Will Make You Sick

Hindsight isn’t just 20/20, it is also a motherfucker. That is especially true when it comes to making a small investment into Bitcoin in 2010. Turns out, you could have invested less than $100 and you would now be richer than God. Or at least Beyonce.

As I look at the chart below — and experience much self-loathing for not hurling $100 into Bitcoin — I have to be honest with myself, because I had no idea how to buy or mine it even if I wanted to. Nowadays, it is much easier to buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. You can simply log onto an exchange and day trade that shit with the greatest of ease. In 2010, that wasn’t really the case. And I wasn’t really that willing to (or smart enough) figure it out. Shame on me. Shame on all of us, because for less than the price of a really nice dinner, you could now be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Goddammit.

Anyway, here are all the famous people you would be as rich as, or richer than, if you only had that foresight to invest early. In fact, for an investment worth less than the price of one Bitcoin in December 2017, you could be as rich as Bill Gates.

bitcoin 2010

Based on this chart, if you invested just $1 you would be worth over $5 MILLION!!

Excuse me while I go bash my head off the wall and pray that other Altcoins can see even a fraction of Bitcoin’s success. Because even if Bitcoin hits $1 million per coin like John McAfee thinks it will, most of us already missed the best part of the party.

H/T CoinList