New Survey Shows College Grads Typically Make This Huge Mistake When Getting Their First Job Offer



Looking for a job is an exciting but arduous task for new graduates. There’s an immense amount of pressure to not only find work but to begin to chip away at massive student loan debt.

In a recent study conducted by the makers of Clif Bars, sad but not-too-surprising findings point to just how much pressure college grads put on the job search and giving up on career and life aspirations before their real life even gets started.

The survey found that 56 percent of young adults ages 18-34 believe that debt collected while in college “limits their ability to pursue a job or career they would find fulfilling.” The survey included 1,044 respondents age 18 – 34 who self-identified as “financially insecure.”

Student loans were the number one source of the financial burden, followed by credit card debt and medical bills. No mention of the debt accrued by trying to lead a fake life.

The participants also admitted to another sad and unfortunate truth about looking for a job fresh off a four-year vacation. All of the money owed weighs so heavy on their heads 63% admitted to feeling the pressure to take the first job offer to pay off their debt, even if the job wasn’t ideal or of particular interest. A whopping 68% also said they were “very” or “extremely” likely to take a job that wasn’t fulfilling just to be able to pay off debts quicker.

To keep employment seekers on the right path, the people behind Clif Bars launched the Business with Purpose Scholarship. This scholarship is intended to remove financial roadblocks for four graduating college seniors and extend the opportunity to “pursue meaningful post-graduate experiences they might not otherwise take due to pressures to accept the first high-paying job offer that comes their way.”

Unless a person is fortunate, the first job after school won’t be the dream gig, but it seems pointless to take a position that doesn’t at least put a person on a path towards the big picture. Before considering taking a dead-end job only for the almighty dollar, maybe move to a town ripe with opportunity or pick up a side hustle to work down the debt.

Applying for the Clif Bar scholarship is worth every new grad’s time. We can’t all pay for college by being good at Fortnite.

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