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Opinions about McDonald’s and the food that they serve are all over the map. There is no clear consensus.
However, there are three things that almost everyone can agree on when it comes to McDonald’s food: (1) the ice cream machines are always broken, (2) free is good, and (3) McDonald’s french fries are freaking delicious.
Related: These 10 McDonald’s French Fries Hacks Make The World’s Perfect Food Even Better
Two of those three things are coming together in a glorious new promotion called, wait for it… “Free Fries Friday.”
That’s right. Fridays, which are already one of the best days of the week is going to get better!
And it is ridiculously easy to take advantage of, as you shall see.
One, download the McDonald’s app (if you haven’t already).
Two, go to the deals tab and select the “Free Fries Friday” deal (a $1 minimum purchase is required to score your free fries).
Three, tap the “Add Deal to Mobile Order” button.
Four, pay for it.
Five, go pick it up.
Voila! Free McDonald’s french fries!
And you can do this EVERY FRIDAY through June 27, 2021!
Never before have I almost been coerced into a life of crime than an unattended cage of McDonald's french fries. #mcdonalds #crime #frenchfries pic.twitter.com/7PiJIvetMN
— Robert Godden (@Rigigin) March 10, 2021
This has me wondering, have you ever gone to McDonald’s and mistakenly gotten an extra order of fries in your bag that you didn’t pay for? What did you do? You ate both orders of fries, didn’t you? Let me know in the comments below. No judgement here. Can’t throw stones when you live in a glass house and all that.
"i hate capitalism" i say as i hand a mcdonalds worker an expired coupon for free fries as i do every thurdsay, and like every other thursday, they take it and give me my free fries
— "charlotte" (@charlotte18731) February 25, 2021
I feel you.
Related: The Crazy Amount Of Salt This Woman Puts On Her French Fries Has Divided The Internet