Millennials are responsible for killing a lot of things: cheese, divorce, razors, tipping, big beer, retirement, pretty much everything.
That being said, at least for now, we can not blame millennials for killing board games, and in particular Monopoly. That honor goes directly to the creators and producers of the iconic game, Hasbro.
While alternate editions of the classic game like Super Mario Bros., Avengers, Friends, and the Cheaters Edition, have been around for years, many very successful and fun, their latest offshoot, Monopoly For Millennials is a definite misfire.
Here’s the game’s description on Amazon…
• MONOPOLY FOR MILLENNIALS GAME: Adulting is hard; take a break from the rat race with this edition of the Monopoly game.
• PARTY BOARD GAME: This Monopoly game is a great choice for Millennials who need a break from the life of adulting; great for parties and get-togethers.
• CHOOSE COOL PLACES AND DESTINATIONS: Collect Experience points by visiting the hottest Destinations — from your Friend’s Couch, to the Vegan Bistro, to a Week-Long Meditation Retreat.
• IT’S ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE: In this version of the Monopoly game, the player who collects the most Experience — not the most money — wins the game.
Umm, yeah… some Hasbro executive is sitting in his office right now going…
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Because that is the only logical explanation I can come up with for why anyone there thought this Monopoly For Millennials board game was a good idea.
After reading all of that do I really need to tell you that reactions to the game have not been very good?
Monopoly has been designed for millennials. This means everyone wins, participation ribbons for all. Free Parking isn’t free. Properties include: Vegan Ave, Hipster Gardens and Entitled Blvd. What a great idea
— Mike Gentile (@mikegentile590) November 13, 2018
There is a Monopoly for Millennials and you move your Venti Mochachino Latte game piece around to different craft beer places and pay using BitCoin with a Venmo app.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) November 13, 2018
Next, Monopoly for Baby Boomers: where you buy property for below value price, only people of color go to jail, and when you pass “Go” you get to complain about Millennials!!!
— jon (@jknit135) November 12, 2018
Monopoly for Millennials might be one of the worst things ive ever seen you ruined monopoly
— sportsmanic90 (@CANADIENSFAN90) November 12, 2018
There's a cringeass Monopoly for Millennials prioritizing buying "experiences" over buying into/renting from a boardwalk.. it'd be "too millennial" to call for any "backlash", so let's just call it stupid
— Tony L. (@tonyxpajamas) November 13, 2018
Fair point.