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On March 8th, it will have been nine years since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people on board disappeared off radar and was never seen again.
The plane and its passengers and crew seemed to have just vanished into thin air. No bodies nor any of the belongings of the 239 people on the flight have ever been recovered.
There has been no shortage of people trying to figure out what happened and numerous theories have been put forth. None of them, however, have provided any real answers.
Was it hijacked? What was going on with the mysterious and very suspicious cargo that was put on board MH370? Why was the pilot’s home flight simulator was removed by police? Did the pilot deliberately crash Flight MH370? Where did the plane or its crash debris go?
Numerous experts have tried to answer those questions and more, but so far no one has been successful.
Now, a retired researcher claims in a self-published study that there is a “three-part riddle” that could finally provide some real answers about where Flight MH370 ended up.
The Mirror reports…
Vincent Lyne, a former researcher at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, has disclosed his latest theory.
In his latest self-published paper, he claims to have identified a 6000-metre-deep Penang Longitude Hole beneath where the plane landed.
My Lyne says a flight simulator for a Long-Range Boeing 777-200LR recovered by official investors shows a track that resembles but diverges from the “official track along the Malacca Strait”.
“Here, I reflect, as part of the ‘scenario backlash’ process, on the PIC track assuming that it may be a riddle with hidden planning details such that the start of the southward track (at the northern left turn) and endpoint obfuscate simulation of flight path intentions,” Lyne explained in his research paper.
“A three-part riddle was identified where the PL location, as the pivot point (Part 1), separated out a northern track (Part 2), and a southern track (Part 3),” Lyne continues.
“With Part 1 solved, the Part 2 northern track length of ~5000 km optimally fits the PL theory predicted track length, if the southeast turn to the PL location occurs tightly near the south-west corner of the Jindalee Over-the-Horizon Radar Network (JORN) range (a critical core feature of the PL theory).
“The Part 3 decoy southern track length (~1480 km) is precisely the same distance as the PL location to Perth Airport.”
He concludes, “Part 1 and 2 were related to the intended flight path, and that Part 3 was a diversion; simply because a PIC track with just Part 1 and 2 may have been enough to solve the riddle.
“If this is indeed the resolution of the riddle, it is yet another confirmation added to the list of all valid evidence reconciled by the PL theory.”
Is he right? Did he finally figure out where missing Flight MH370 is? Until someone actually tries to verify his theory we will never know.
Perhaps we will get some answers on March 8th, 2023, when Netflix airs a new documentary titled MH370: The Plane That Disappeared.
Probably not, though.