With all of the talk and new government developments regarding the existence of UFOs (or UAPs as the American government prefers to call them – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), the one country that has surprisingly been pretty silent on the topic is Russia.
There have been recent reports about UFOs over India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, England, and, of course, the United States, but nothing out of Russia.
That all changed this week when Vasily Golubev, the governor of Rostov oblast in the southern region of Russia, claimed local military forces shot down a UFO over the village of Sultan Sala in the Myasnikovsky district.
Newsweek reports that Golubev wrote that a “small-size object in the shape of a ball” was spotted flying at an altitude of around one and a half miles on January 3rd.
He added that due to its location and it being unable to be identified “the decision was taken to liquidate it.”
“I urge everyone to remain calm. To ensure security, all forces and means are involved. The sky is covered with anti-aircraft defenses,” he wrote.
In reporting his comments, local news outlet Pivyet Rostov carried a headline that said “a UFO in the form of a ball was shot down in the sky.”
Telegram channels that night described how air defense systems in Rostov had been operating. The channel Ostorozhna, Novosti (Caution, News) published a video showing a shining object flying and then exploding in the sky.
Back in September, astronomers in Ukraine reported seeing dozens of “phantom” UFOs that “cannot be scientifically identified.”
The Main Astronomical Observatory (MAO) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine detailed two classifications of UFOs that were spotted by two meteor stations located in Kyiv and Vinarivka village.
Naturally, with Ukraine currently being a war zone drones and other military aerial weaponry is to be expected, but the Ukrainian astronomers reported that they have observed dozens of UFOs “that cannot scientifically be identified as known natural phenomena.”
Read more about their observations and several of theories that tried to explain them here.