- A Maryland woman won a $50,000 prize playing a $5 Lucky lottery scratch-off game.
- It was the third time the 61-year-old has won $50,000 playing the lottery in the last three years.
- More wild lottery winner stories here.
As we have seen time and time and time again, some people in this world really do have all the luck.
The ridiculous amount of people who win big lottery prizes after already winning a previous big lottery prize is starting to get annoying.
This week we have a story about a Maryland woman who won a $50,000 prize playing $5 Lucky scratch-off tickets.
That alone, of course, isn’t bothersome.
What is rather irritating is the fact that this same 61-year-old woman has done it before. Twice.
This was the third time in three years she’s won $50,000 playing the lottery.
Related: Woman Buys 40 Identical Tickets For Single Lottery Drawing, All 40 Are Winners
The Maryland Lottery reports, “The Chevy Chase resident prefers not to scratch off the games. Instead, she scans the prize check area to see if they are winners or not. The first Lucky ticket she scanned was not a winner, but, to her surprise, the second one revealed the game’s top prize of $50,000.”
“I just didn’t believe it, again!” said the retired housekeeper. “When I saw that message, ‘See Lottery,’ I just left immediately and scratched off the rest of the ticket in the car.”
When she that she had won, again, she called her best friend to share the good news.
“When she told me, I was so happy for her,” the best friend told Maryland Lottery officials. “It was hard to believe that she won $50,000 again.”
Related: Man Buys 20 Identical Lottery Tickets, Wins 20 Times In The Same Drawing
“People play every day and not win,” said the winner. “It’s amazing that I won three times.”
She says her latest winnings will go towards some home improvements.
And just in case that isn’t enough to drive you batty, a guy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa just won a $75,000 lottery prize for the second time in two months after already having won $200,000 playing the same lottery game.
Lucky Again: Cedar Rapids Man Claims $75,000 In Prizes For 2nd Time In 2 Months https://t.co/b5uNcduf8R
— Iowa Lottery (@ialottery) November 23, 2021
His first big lottery prize came back in 2014 when he won 42 Pick 4 prizes totaling $200,000, all in one drawing, according to the Iowa Lottery.
Like I said, some people literally have all the luck.