Here’s What Size Penis You Need To Be Packin’ If You Ever Want To Fit Into Magnum Condoms

You never hear a guy say, “I’m so happy that I don’t have to wear magnum condoms. What a fuckin’ burden that would be. Really dodged a bullet having this average-sized cock. So blessed.” That’s because every guy would love to whip out a gold-wrapped Trojan Magnum the moment a girl asks if you have a condom. “Do I have a condom? DO I HAVE A CONDOM?!?!? I don’t just have a condom, I’ve got a FUCKING MAGNUM, BABY!”

That’s the dream. A dream that can become a reality so long as you fit the size requirements. The charts below show you what it takes to fit into Trojans Magnums and Durex’s Comfort XLs.  And don’t worry if you can’t, according to Men’s Fitness, only 25% of men actually wear larger condoms. The rest of us just have to understand that although we’ll never hit the bottom, we can still fuck the shit out of the sides.

Got what it takes to fill up a Mag? Go stock up here. Not so hung? No worries (aside from not having a gigantic cock, of course), here’s a 200 pack of condoms.

[H/T Men’s Fitness]

J.Camm is the Managing Partner and Editor-in-Chief of BroBible.