The Satanic Temple Submitted Coloring Books For Use In Florida Schools Because FLORIDA

The Satanic Temple has submitted ‘The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities’ to be included in schools throughout the Orange County School District in Florida. Why? Because FLORIDA, that’s why.

This is likely a response to last January when the Bible-banging-distributing-evangelizing group ‘World Changers of Florida’ ran a Bible distribution campaign, and atheists came forward in outrage. So, not to be upstaged by the non-believers, Satan’s Army is seeking to have their adorable coloring book distributed throughout the school district.

Lauren Roth of the Orlando Sentinel reports:

The Satanic Temple has submitted a Satanic coloring book and two fact sheets to Orange schools, requesting permission to give them out to students in January.

The coloring book features cartoon children performing Satanic rituals and drawing pentragrams in school, along with a word search for words like “acceptance” and “friends” and a maze to reach the Necronmicon, a fabled occult spellbook. The children in the book wear Satanic symbols on their shirts and spread anti-bullying and religious tolerance messages. A coloring page features a girl reading in a study filled with Satanic art, books and symbols. A connect-the-dots sheet creates a pentagram.

District counsel Woody Rodriguez said legal staff would review the materials, as it did for a previous atheist group that distributed some materials to Orange students. There is no set timeline for a decision.

The school board has discussed changing its policy that allows the distribution of religious materials on tables inside high schools, but no action has been taken, and no changes are currently planned.

“We definitely, definitely will not be distributing those materials until we have a work session on that issue” and give Rodriguez policy direction, said School Board Chair Bill Sublette on Tuesday.

Cheryl K. Chumley of the Washington Times adds:

The group also said that the district can’t legally reject their request because World Changers of Florida received the go-ahead to distribute Bibles in the schools, and an atheist organization was similarly allowed to pass out its own reading materials.

“To be sure, if our materials are consistent with their standards, they can’t simply deny our literature because of its religious viewpoint,” a Satanic Temple spokesman who goes by the name Lucien Greaves told the Sentinel.

Now that we’re past Halloween and officially into what the corporate machine has deemed ‘Holiday Season’ isn’t it comforting to know that this Christmas kids in Florida might be spending Jesus’ birthday drawing pentagrams with crayons?
Not exactly you’re idea of a spectacular Christmas either? Blame the Sunshine State, or Freedom of Religion, or Freedom of Speech, or Obama. So much blame, such little time.

To see the coloring book for yourself you can check out the PDF by clicking HERE.


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