Minor League Team Holds Elaine Dancing Contest As Part Of ‘Seinfeld Night’ And It Was Spectacular

Minor League Team Holds Seinfeld Night And It Was Spectacular

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As we have seen numerous times over the years, promotions at Minor League Baseball games are just a little bit different.

One such promotion, held by the Brooklyn Cyclones – the High-A affiliate of the New York Mets – is “Seinfeld Tribute Night: A Celebration of Nothing.”

Started in 2014, the Cyclones’ annual “Seinfeld Night” is filled every year with memorable moments from the show about nothing that last aired way back in 1998.

Past highlights of the event include appearances by the actors who played the characters Lloyd Braun, the Soup Nazi, J. Peterman, Kenny Bania, Jackie Chiles, Bizarro Jerry and marathon runner Jean-Paul.

The Cyclones have also dressed up as the Brooklyn Marble Rye, given away a Fusilli Jerry collectible figurine, a KoKo the Monkey softball jersey courtesy of Kruger Industrial Smoothing, and a Magic Loogie bobblehead.

They’ve also held events like a Junior Mint Toss, the Summer (Olympics) of George, and the most popular event of them all: a Elaine Dancing Contest for the Big Salad Championship Belt.

The Brooklyn Cyclones’ annual “Seinfeld Night” is real, and it’s spectacular

This past Saturday, the Brooklyn Cyclones’ annual “Seinfeld Night” saw fans participating in a “Sponge Worthy” contest, the Opposite of Every Contest We’ve Ever Done, a Low Talker contest, a “She Had Man Hands” contest, Name That Flaw, the annual Dr. Cosmo Kramer: Proctologist event, a Shrinkage Race, and a Closest to the Blow Hole contest.

Fans were also given a Marble Rye figurine and bobbleheads of The Wiz and Mulva and the special guest was the actress who played Donna Chang.

If you think that looks like fun, well… it is.

“It sort of has become a Seinfeld convention with a baseball game in the background,” said Cyclones director of communications (now assistant general manager) Billy Harner in 2019. “People come in costume and people come as much — if not more — for the contests than the actual baseball.”



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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.