Husband and wife gets horrible news — they’re actually brother and sister

9 facts about beer you probably didn’t know (but should)

The 6 indisputable rules of pissing at a urinal

Grilled Nutella pizza topped with bourbon cherries is the best dessert on Earth

Every state in the USA, ranked by its food and drink

Cheez-It cocktail wins my heart and stomach

10 signs that you’re ready for a dog

Everything you ever (and never) wanted to know about Ebola

Annnnd here’s an app lets you play video games with your vagina

Fascinating map shows just how much pot each state is smoking

12 gifts you should never, EVER buy for new parents

7 Silly Flirting Mistakes Women Make All The Time

The top 20 party colleges, stoner colleges, and sober colleges for 2014

16 crazy things you didn’t know about Chipotle

7 clever tips on how to not get killed when answering a Craigslist ad

These are unofficially the 50 Best Craft Breweries in America

12 steps to follow after you find a spider in your bed

Want to avoid the Friendzone? Here’s how you do it

4 important things to remember if your life sucks

5 ways to network that won’t make you feel like a scumbag

Irrelevant number of reasons why puking on an airplane is the worst

57 foods every man should eat before he dies