Two LA Party Bros Discover A Way To ‘Save The Rage’ During The City’s COVID House Party Ban

The party Bros from Chad Goes Deep are on a tear this summer.

Back in July, they headed to Huntington Beach to “solve the mask shortage,” which lead to them going on Howard Stern for the second time ever to talk about their Bro-y activism.

Then, about a week later, they headed back to Orange County to give out masks in their hometown of San Clemente, where they once (unsuccessfully, yet hilariously) petitioned city council meetings for a statue of Paul Walker.

That video led to this exchange with a rando about the origins of COVID:

Dude: “It comes from 5G towers”

Chad: “Where’d you learn this?”

Dude: “I did a lot of research while tripping on acid”

Sounds legit.

Chad and JT cut their teeth a couple years ago fighting for the right to party in Los Angeles County. In fact, before COVID times, they adamantly addressed city council on ways to make Los Angeles a more bro-friendly paradise.

That’s why it’s not a surprise Chad and JT figured out how to “save house parties” in Los Angeles after the city leadership cracked down with a strict house party ban. The city isn’t messing around, either – AirBNB has removed over 50 properties that were notorious rentals for house parties and criminal charges were filed in connection to recent house parties in the Hollywood Hills. The city is even threatening to shut off power and water to properties defying the ban.

The Chad Goes Deep solution?

Mobile parties – pump out the beats and have a dance party on balconies around Southern California, bullhorn in tow.

Oh, did we mention they have an animated series coming out on Hulu?

Full stoke, Bros.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: