Mac & Cheese Sushi rolls. That’s it. I don’t need a clever intro sentence to explain why this is a brilliant idea. Enjoy your ‘Murica Maki.
Sushi is amazing, but there’s no way I’m giving it to my non-existent bastard child. Feeding a kid maki is a surefire way to ensure he grows up to be a douchebag. Now if those rolls happen to be made of Mac n Cheese instead of rice and hot dogs instead of yellow tail, that’s a totally different story.
Like most of the Guyism Grill recipes, this is incredibly easy to make. If you can cook Mac & Cheese you can make this. If you can’t even whip up a blue box though, you might want to consider enrolling in a home economics class at University of Phoenix. There’s no shame in being a Phoenix (yes there is).
See, that was simple! The real hard part is not eating too much of the Mac & Cheese before you’ve even started. It is a fully prepared meal just sitting there, after all.
I included this shot just in case you weren’t sure how to quarter a hot dog. It’s a pretty tough concept to comprehend, I know. To be fair, if I was going to use two pieces at a time I could have just cut it in half. That wouldn’t be as fun of a picture though.
The now cold Mac & Cheese gets spread out on plastic wrap. If you do this right on the counter, you’re gonna have a bad time. You want the noodles pretty compact to help them stick together when you roll it.
Mac & Cheese Sushi log! I heard you like wieners, so I put a wiener in your giant Mac & Cheese wiener so you can eat wiener while you eat wiener. Sorry, I still love X-to-the-Z.
Throw this lunchtime log in the freezer for a few hours so that it’s rock hard. That way you can cut it with ease.
The key to cutting your log o’ fun is to use a sharp knife. I started hacking at it with a giant cleaver but the Mac & Cheese just broke away. Using chef’s knife slowly works much better.
Arrange them on a sweet sushi plate you have from back when you and your ex-girlfriend were totally going to learn how to make sushi. Throw the whole thing in the over on the lowest setting humanly possible.
Once they get just barely hot (not too hot or it’ll fall apart) pull it out of the oven and add the finishing touches. Bread crumbs = tempura crunch. Sriracha = well, Sriracha. I also used leftover chili as my soy sauce, because nothing goes with Mac like chili.
- 1 box Mac & Cheese
- 1/4 cup Milk
- 4 tbsp butter
- 1 hot dog
- 2 tsp gelatin
- Sriracha
- Bread Crumbs
- Chili (optional)
- Make Mac & Cheese according to box.
- Add 2 tsp gelatin when mixing in cheese/butter/mix.
- Allow to cool (about an hour).
- Make flat, rectangular bed of noodles on plastic wrap (2x if you didn’t already eat half the Mac & Cheese).
- Place sliced hot dog on noodles and very tightly roll noodles around it w/ plastic.
- Make sure roll is tight, twist ends of plastic, and put in freezer for 3 hours.
- Remove plastic and carefully cut roll into slices with sharp knife.
- Arrange on plate and place in oven on low.
- Bring up to just hot enough (10 minutes?). Requires a watchful eye. A clock can’t help you now.
- Bedazzle your maki with bread crumbs and chili sauce.
- Eat with chop sticks, if you dare.