In this week’s Facebook Idiocy we see some hilarious photoshop FAILs, timely social commentary, and more! Every week on the Internet we see screen shots of unfortunate interactions on everybody’s favorite social network, Facebook. If we’re lucky enough we actually get to encounter these hilarious lapses of judgment but alas we are not all so lucky. But don’t despair, we here at Guyism are now offering you the very best in weekly Facebook mishaps. Whether you’re looking for the funniest Facebook fails, ultimate Facebook cringe, or enjoy seeing some Facebook win, I’ll try to provide a bit of everything here. So contrary to the name, you may in fact find some hilarious Facebook statuses here that don’t necessarily fall into the idiotic category.
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Photo Credits: Facebook Screenshots, Failbook, Lamebook
If you’d like to submit a photo for consideration drop it on our Facebook page HERE.