The Iron Horse on Cliff Street in Lower Manhattan is one of New York City’s great watering holes. It’s easily a top 10 Bro bar in New York. The booze and food is cheap. There’s a swing on the bar, along with wonderful bartenders who aren’t afraid to get on the damn thing and dance a little bit. It’s rowdy, loud, and raucous. Since it’s in the Financial District, Bros who work in NYC’s financial serves sector happy hour there regularly many nights of the week. Scenes like this are a nightly occurrence:
Last week, a lady from Calgary paid a visit to the Iron Horse. Of the 2,656 other bars she could have patronized in NYC, she picked the one that has a reputation for pickleback shots and wonderfully unhinged. Instead of pivoting to another bar, this miserable woman diarrhea out her opinions on Yelp.
Iron Horse owner Zbigniew Szymczyk fired back at her one-star review, blasting her by saying “you are terrible at finding bars… I give you 1 star as you are terrible at finding bars and restaurants that suit your tastes.”
How’s it taste, Megan? You just got OWNED.