‘Snakes On A Plane’ Unfolds In Real Life After Horde Of Slithering Creatures Found Smuggled In Luggage

Samuel L. Jackson in Snakes on a Plane

New Line

I assume most people are at least aware of the existence of Snakes on a Plane, the 2006 Samuel L. Jackson vehicle with a name that became such a huge meme that the actor recorded a scene where he uttered one of the most iconic lines in cinematic history.

However, when you consider the film flopped at the box office, you could be forgiven for not knowing exactly why there were snakes on a plane in the first place.

As someone who is somewhat afraid to admit they’ve seen Snakes on a Plane multiple times, the movie revolves around a guy taken into protective custody after witnessing a murder orchestrated by a crime boss in Hawaii.

The witness in question is quickly put aboard a flight to Los Angeles to testify against the gangster, who managed to smuggle a box of deadly snakes onto the aircraft and bribed a worker to spray the leis passengers receive upon boarding with a pheromone to make them aggressive once they’re unleashed.

If it sounds stupid, it’s because it absolutely is, but there have actually been a number of real-life instances where pilots were forced to make an emergency landing after discovering an unwelcome stowaway aboard.

Now, we have a brand new entry to the “Snakes on a Plane” canon thanks to an incident that recently unfolded in India.

According to The New York Post, customs officials in the city of Chennai searched a bag a woman brought on a flight that boarded in Kuala Lumpur and got quite a surprise when they discovered it was home to 22 snakes of various species (as well as a chameleon) after opening up the bag.

Thankfully, the smuggling aspect is where the Snakes on a Plane comparisons end, as the animals were successfully wrangled without anyone being bitten.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.