Steve Kerr Has Some NBA Playoffs Betting Advice Now That Sports Gambling Is Legal

steve kerr responds nba players beat warriors

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Yesterday, anyone who’s willingly given their bank account info to a sketchy website with a foreign domain breathed a sigh of relief when the Supreme Court essentially legalized sports betting in the United States, striking a major blow to any bookies who make a living threatening to deliver a major blow to a kneecap of anyone who doesn’t pay up on time. While it will be a little while before you can bet second-half overs with an app on your phone, the decision has set the stage for a new age some leagues have been eagerly awaiting for years (as well as Mark Cuban, who probably made a shitload of money to add to his shitload of money).

The governing bodies of the athletic world know how much money there is to be made in betting— as does the government itself— which basically makes gambling the marijuana of the world of sports. As a result, it seems like it’s only a time before greed and common sense see eye-to-eye and the formerly spurned pastime becomes normalized.

When sports betting finally hits the mainstream, it’ll be easy for casual sports fans to channel their inner Sam Rothstein and tell themselves the humidity inside a hockey ring will favor a certain team. It will also be easy for them to lose a ton of money because they have no idea what they’re doing. The sage choice would be to listen to the advice of someone who knows a bit more about what you’re betting on then you do— someone like Steve Kerr.

Before last night’s game against the Rockets, the infinitely entertaining Warriors coach perfectly summed up how he felt about his team’s chances in the most Steve Kerr way possible.

The Warriors ended up beating the Rockets 119-106, demolishing the spread in the process. The Celtics are currently listed as +1 underdogs in their game tonight, so if you’re a believer in Steve’s advice, you’re going to want to hitch your wagon to LeBron and the other Cavaliers. 

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.