Woman Drives Car Across Golf Course And Into A Pond, Gets Rescued By Golfers

woman drives car in golf course pond

Unsplash/Stephen Leonardi

We’ve all left the office a bit early on a Friday to try and sneak in nine holes before dark with the boys. In the summer months before daylight savings time ends it’s a ritual for any golfer. For a few golfers in North Carolina, their twilight round on Friday was unlike anyone else’s, however.

While playing at Carmel Country Club in Charlotte, a woman decided to take a detour in her car directly through the fairway, through a fairway bunker, and into a pond. Lucky for her, the golfers were there to help her out of the sinking car. Lucky for us, one of the guys got the whole thing on video.

Earlier this year we saw a teenager steal a Jeep and drive it across a Missouri golf course during a police chase, but this woman driving her car into a pond may be even crazier.

The woman is likely under the influence of something given the way she’s speaking, falling all over the place in the pond, and screaming “say my f—in’ name you stupid ho’ while being put on a stretcher.

I’m not sure what you do if you’re one of the golfers that witnessed the accident. On the one hand, they now have a legitimate ‘I saved this woman’s life story’ but now every single person at the club knows these guys as the ‘guys who witnessed the woman drive her car into the pond.’

Keep your head on a swivel, golfers, we’ve now had two bizarre instances involving cars driving across golf courses. The year 2020 just keeps on throwing punches.

Mark Harris avatar
Mark is an associate editor and the resident golf guy here at BroBible. Be sure to follow him on Twitter @ItIsMarkHarris. You can reach him at Mark@BroBible.com.